I born in
Leka toba location is between some hill and for arrive to it we must cross hill top before. When we shall arrive to it water’s lake is looked because we walk on the top hill and then we walk to under until meet the residents house and after that we shall meet the hotels for stay view days. For us it is a place who very beautiful because there is very cold, many the hill march, big stone and on the middle be a island, The island name is Samosir.
If want come to the island usually the people use the a ship and pay Rp 30.000 for go to it and come back again to hotels. The samosir island is a island who have many history about the lord empire, so if us or people come to toba lake they don’t forget for visit to samosir island and usually they come to it for look the empire’s build, empire’s mausoleum, clothes and arms to war. The people if come to samosir island don’t forget too for buy the handicraft resident like woodcarving, guitar, hat, clothes and nething else. The living all resident who stay in about leka toba and in samosir island are a driver ship, a farmer, and handicraft. Generally all resident are batak tribe and kristiani religion.