When I enter and learn at second class, I get different lesson with when I still at first class I and my friends is startled see lesson total very many in comparison with lesson total at first class and every lesson we often practice than theory.
At first class we get two lesson forms likes about electronic and electricity, because when at first class we still in selection what enter in electricity technique direction or audio technique vodeo. I often doesn't do task that given by my teacher if about electricity, when studying lesson about electricity I always is paying but when test I am never give true answer, I always do that during I still at first class.
Since beginning I want to take video audio technique direction and doesn't take electricity technique, so that I do it for fear of chosen to take that. when finished test I see value whom I can, for video audio lesson I get good value and for electricity lesson I get bad value, so that I pass to come into video audio technique direction.
At second class I am seldom use school uniform but often use practice uniform and I also more many bring practice device likes solder, tin, screw driver, multimeter, pliers and another than bring my book. I do it because after one clock learns in class we soon go to practice room to prove theory that we have studied. Usually we are longer practice aboud two or three clocks than study theory in class so that we quicker understands about electronics.
I understand why my teacher gives lesson like that after i ask to my teacher, why we often do practice typing at second class than study theory in class, because I see for student third class they don't do like we, they often learn in class than at practice room. then my teacher explains to us, the school make program learn like that to prepare second class student that will face field work practice, after graduate from second class.