SS 45
Minggu, 30 November 2008
SS 45 abbreviation from sekeloa south no 45 and it is my place lives during I still at bandung city to continue my educationi have occupied my leased during 1 year 5 months, every year I must pay to lease as much as RP 1300.000 to owner leases for live 1 year. Aboud 4 months ago I buy a computer so that I must leased money increase as much as RP 25000 to each month and when do I ask to the owner, he says if money whom I give to him is to electricity money payment increase.

I have looked for this lease when I have heard message from University Padjadjaran if I have passed in selection, I look for to lease this with a girl, he nameds Wina and I am usually call her win. With her I look for place leases up to find this place, we begin to look for from at 09.00 wib up to 13.00 wib. At the time we think will not find to lease cheap, we then is looking for up to we are coming a woman that is trading at the house and we ask to her, then she brings us go to a place leases not far from the her house.

Then owner leases to want to give a room at the price of cost-effective and final I agree unttuk live in the leased. I am like my place lives so much because I have many friends and they also lecture in area same to me, I am lecture takes computer technique direction and they take technique informatika and managemen informatika so that I can learn with them if I get difficulty in my lecture

posted by Tekomp at 21.30 | Permalink |